Battle of the Light Beers

February 1, 2009 at 8:30 am (Random) ()

Last week we killed the keg during Shea’s bachelor party.  Seeing as today is the Superbowl, it seems we’ll be needing a new keg.  But what beer to get?  We know we want a light beer… but which light beer?  This called for a beer taste-off!

Meet the contestant:
Amstel Light
Bud Light
Miller Light
Sam Adams Light

With a blind taste test, we each ranked the beers and tallied the scores.
1st = 3 points
2nd = 2 points
3rd = 1 point
4th = nada

Here are the results:
Bud Light = 9 points
Miller Light = 7 points
Amstel Light = 5 points
Sam Adams Light = 3 points

We have a winner!

“Drinkability” prevails!

(disclaimer:  Don’t judge me, I never claimed to be a beer aficionado)

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